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East of England Qualifier 2022


ABPU East of England Qualifier 2022, held at Mammoth Gym Lowestoft. This was my first official Powerlifting Meet (Competition), I competed in the M1 U60KG. I achieved British Records for Squat and Bench for M1 U60KG.

It was a long day, I arrived at the gym at around 9.00am. Quick brief with the coach KT, and measure up for the bench and squat rack heights. Then warm up for the squats which started at 10.00am.


I opened up at 97.5kg, as this should be a pretty easy opener for me, but it was actually quite tough, maybe my nerves as it went up really slow. My second lift was a British Record attempt at 107.5kg, this was nice and smooth considering how my opener felt.

Last up, 110kg for another British Record attempt, and I got it! 3x White Lights and 2x British Records.

Squats finished around 11.00am, time to spend some time with the family and friends and refuel. Caramel Rice cakes with peanut butter and a strong coffee! Warmed up for bench at 11.30am.


My opener was 57.5kg, and was a nice easy start. Second lift, I picked 62.5kg which is what the British Record is currently, felt ok. Lastly, 65kg a British Record attempt, which I didn't believe I would get as failed this before in training... But it went up with no fight! 3x White Lights, a British Record and a Personal Best.

Time for another quick refuel, couscous and a Lucozade. Then warm up for Deadlifts.


These are not my strongest lift, so wasn't expecting anything amazing, but I gave it everything. I opened at 117.5kg, second lift 125kg and finished off with 132.5kg which was a bit of struggle, but a personal best, so was pleased with that.

2x British Records for Squats, 1x British Record for Bench.

Total score of 307.5kg and I have qualified for the Nationals in July.

I really enjoyed the day, and over the moon with the outcome. Yes it was very tiring, and the lead up was stressful with all the gruelling training, staying at weight, let alone the fear of catching covid.

I hope I have inspired others to lift.



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