Raw Full Power M1 U60kg 1st Place
What another great experience to be apart of, and sharing the platform with some incredible strong women.
I weighed in at 58.2kg.
115kg (British Record and comp PB)
117.5kg (British Record and comp PB)
Squats were the day for me, they were the heaviest I have ever opened at, and over the moon with the end result. My dream was to squat over twice my bodyweight, and I achieved it.
65kg (no lift)
65kg (no lift)
My opener of 60kg felt good, but it just wasn't there for the world record of 65kg this time.
135kg (no lift)
Easy opener of 125, then a technical issue wasted my second lift, and finished off with 135kg, which I am happy with as still a PB for me in the conventional deadlift.
TOTAL 312.5kg (5kg up from last year)
New British Record, British Champion 2023.
I did my best on the day. I take away something from every competition I do, always learning, always wanting to improve. I'd forgotten how much stage fright I get, but I also forgot how much fire I get in my belly and hunger for more I need to not leave it too long before the next one.