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My Powerlifting Journey

I am currently 3 weeks out from the East of England Qualifier January 2022. This week was the first week of peaking, getting me ready for competition day.

I will be competing in Masters 1 (as I have just turned 40), under 60kg bodyweight.

What is Powerlifting?

It is a strength sport where you lift as much weight as possible for 1 rep, in each of these three lifts, squat, bench press and deadlift. You have three attempts on each lift.

What is peaking?

Preparing to exert ourselves to the maximum on meet day, enabling our best physically and mentally. In a nut shell, volume is reduced and intensity is increased, to get you used to lifting really heavy, so that on competition day, you can lift your max squat, bench and deadlift.

Every week I train 3 days. This week my coach programmed my squats at around 100kg for 3x3xreps on all days. Bench was around 55-57.5kg for 3x3xreps on 2 days. Deadlifts were around 112.5kg for 3x3reps on 2 days. I failed my squats on day 3, so had to lower the weight, this is my body showing fatigue and apparently normal, and I did deadlifts first.

I am making sure I rest on my days off, and get plenty of sleep. I try and deliver my online workouts for the App on the days I train.

Lets see what next week brings.



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